Nightstand Organization

I’m gonna start with a spoiler alert … this might be the most simple and straightforward organization post I could walk you through. But, as always, I will go into my mindset behind how and why I store things the way I do. And I’ll also include things you should and shouldn’t store in your nightstand.

Because, trust me, people put some pretty prettyyy weird and unnecessary things in theirs. I know this because I see it constantly when I’m organizing their homes. They are usually pretty hesitant for me to open the nightstand and it’s usually not because of, um, adult things. Which, hey no judgement on my part. I could honestly write a book about the toys I’ve seen in my years doing this so nothing shocks me anymore!

The hesitation usually comes from their embarrassment of how jam packed with crap it is. We all know that the bedroom is supposed to be our sanctuary, a place to escape and wind down for sleep. But when the nightstand becomes stuffed with chargers, bills and straight up trash, that area is not relaxing. Essentially it becomes a place where things - important or not - go to die.

If this is how yours looks and feels at the moment, don’t stress. It’s time to take back your bedroom, even if it’s just a tiny corner of it. It’s the little details that matter most!

First, I want to address my setup and also acknowledge that I’m still settling in (curtains are on the list!) along with the fact that neither of us had nightstands in our previous places.

Ok, wait, technically I did. It was a small drawer dresser that I used to store my underwear and I had a dish on top for “nightstand” like items. And when I told my boyfriend I was ordering a matching set of these nightstands, he asked me point blank “and what am I supposed to store in there?”.

His minimalism might’ve been what attracted me in the first place, tbh.

If you have similar thoughts - whether you’re moving or redecorating - and don’t need a nightstand, don’t feel obligated to get one (or two)! I recently organized for a dude who just wanted a floating shelf to hold his phone by his bed. I didn’t opt for any that had too much storage since we don’t have much to put in and I liked the symmetry of them flanking the bed which is why I sprung for two.

Since his holds next to nothing …

We’re gonna focus on mine.

Like I already mentioned, this is beyond simple but I’mma walk you through anyway.

I used the same shallow organizers from my last post on my bathroom drawer organization (in all honesty, I could have used the deep ones in this drawer but it wasn’t necessary).

And I only used two! Going from closest to farthest from the bedside, first I have my “go TF to sleep” section. I generally don’t have sleep issues but when I do, it’s pure torture. These melatonin gummies knock me out when it’s particularly bad but sometimes just a spritz of lavender right in my face is all I need. 

I’ll address skincare in general being stored in a nightstand a little later.

Also, I don’t use the sleep mask very often and already have another one stored with my suitcase for travel. But on the occasions when I have a Chiari headache so bad that I can only lay down and close my eyes, I want to know it’s there. Especially given the fact that we’re sans curtains at the moment.

The next section simply stores my blue blocker glasses which I use because I’m the type of person who falls asleep with her phone in her hand some nights. Hey, we all have our vices.

I also keep one thing of lip balm and a pen so it doesn’t go rolling around. (PS the gold and white pen I have isn’t sold anywhere but here’s a similar set on Amazon!)

Next to the organizers is a notebook as I just started journaling. Like for real. I had been using the Five Minute Journal app and thinking that’s enough but in light of some recent tough times I’ve been going through, I realized I needed to let more out. Brain clutter is just as important to clear as the tangible stuff.

FYI the Five Minute app is ridiculously amazing and it’s free! You can check out their physical journals or other digital products here.

And that’s it for inside the drawer! I have some wiggle room behind if I need to expand. To keep the inserts from sliding I used the sticky gel I referenced in my last post as well. 

For the top of the stand, the overhead lighting is no bueno in the bedroom so I found these matching (a miracle) table lamps at my local HomeGoods (I found a similar style at PB Teen!). They actually come with a built in USB cord which I might find myself utilizing. At my last place, I charged my phone only on my “nightstand” and my Apple watch and AirPods charged at my desk. I haven’t set up my desk area yet and have been plugging them into different outlets and it’s driving me bananas.

I need to stop here for a sec and tell you that this is one of the major causes of disorganization - not having a permanent home for things. It’s how things like keys and shoes and cords get lost. Giving your stuff a dedicated place to live is crucial to staying organized.

I have a dual “butt” as I call them plugged into the wall so right now I’m using it for my phone and watch. Will most likely try out the USB port in the lamp for my headphones until I can get my office area organized.

I stuck these cable catchers from Poppin to keep them from falling down and what I love about them is that you can place them anywhere, including the back or the side of the nightstand to further hide visual clutter.

This gold phone prop was another HomeGoods find and intended to be for my desk but placed it here for the meantime (as a FYI I’m waiting for a desk I have my eyes on to come back in stock - can’t wait to walk you through that organization!). 

I added a Himalayan salt candle for a pop of color. I almost never light candles because I’m actually terrified of fire! If I do decide to light it, I’ll be sure to store a lighter or matches in the extra drawer space. And lastly, I have a coaster from my trip to Dubai to protect the nightstand top from any spills. Although in all honesty, water (or “bed water” as my business partner calls it) is the only liquid that I allow myself near the white comforter.

Now as far as what you should and shouldn’t store in your nightstand, it all comes down to your lifestyle. I know many people who want their skincare in there because they do it from bed. Or will at least leave a pack of makeup remover wipes in case they crawl under the covers and forget they never took it off. If that makes sense to you, do it! 

Other items that I’ve seen in nightstands (or have suggested my clients to store in theirs) are essential oils, medicine (especially if it’s something you take at night specifically), books they’re reading, a flashlight, remotes (only for items in the bedroom), tissues and hair ties. And, sure, if there are toys, those can totally be stored there too. Remember, we’re in the trust tree!

What shouldn't be in - or on - your nightstand is anything that you don’t need or will use while in bed. Another one of my favorite organizing commandments is to store things where you’ll use them. So always ask yourself that when figuring out what to store in certain spots of your home. Also, it should be pointed out that any garbage should regularly be decluttered. So used tissues, water bottles, etc. should be cleared away daily.

Keeping an organized nightstand is honestly pretty easy if you’re intentional about what you store there, add some organizers to keep things sorted and regularly declutter. Let me know if there’s anything in particular you like to store in yours! And, as always, feel free to shoot me an email with any questions (or blog suggestions) to

PS I have an Etsy shop now if you’re looking for gifts for that organized person in your life!


*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.


Laundry Room Organization


Bathroom Drawer Organization